Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Weekend

We had a wonderful Memorial weekend!  I love when all four of us are together for a 3 day weekend!

Saturday the boys put together Ben's graduation present.
They got the trampoline all put together and then we had Landon over for some fun!
We all hung out in the back yard and the kids played in the water.
There's a whole trampoline in those boxes!

Ben's thinkin' face-haha!

Getting it all laid out.

Ben and Landon testing it out!

Bikini Time!
 Monday we went to Pops and Gigi's to swim!  It was hot so the pool felt great!  
They love their Daddy!

Reese LOVES the water!

A little nap in the pool-ha!

Swingin' with Gigi.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Our Graduate

I can not believe how fast this school year went by!  Ben had a blast in Kindergarten and learned so much!  He reads, does math, is telling time, and much more.  We are so proud of him!
I can't believe how much he has grown up this year.  He has lost 5 teeth, is so tall, and his feet will not stop growing-heehee.  He's such an awesome boy!
1st Day of Kindergarten
Kindergarten graduation picture. 
Thursday night was KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!  The kids did a play, read, and sang songs to show what all they have learned this year.  They also showed a video and each child was asked what they wanted to be when they grow up.  Of course Ben said a baseball player-ha!  It was the sweetest graduation!  They all did a great job!  
Singing songs.

Ben doing his speaking part.

More songs!

Ben getting his diploma!!

Ben with his Gigi and Pops.

Our little family.

Ben and one of his buddies!

Sweet kiddos.
And their off!

What they do best-being SILLY!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Drillers Night With The Rangers!

 Saturday night Ben's baseball team went to the Drillers game.  The boys got to get an autograph from the pitcher, do a high five tunnel for the Drillers, and get their picture on the jumbo screen.  The boys had lots of fun!

Standing for the National Anthem.

RANGER buddies!

The Zoo and Swimming

Ben's school was closed Wednesday because of a water break.  The weather was perfect so we decided to got to the zoo.  We had a great time!  It was kind of a tease though for summer break :)  Only 8 more days off school!!!! YAY!

Reese loved the flamingos!

The feed the rhinos while we were there so we got to see them up close!

Ben learning about the rhinos.
Reese got to swim for the first time at Macee's Birthday party.  SHE LOVED IT!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

9 Months!

Happy 9 months Reesey!!!!
Our little monkey is getting so!  She is crawling and also started pulling up and cruising a little around the furniture.
She likes getting in to things she shouldn't-ha!  Reese likes the dog food bowl, the stairs (the gate has been ordered!), the electrical outlets, and Daddy's TV electronics.  The other day I caught her basically hanging from the fireplace screen, which is on the 2nd step of our stone fireplace.
Reese is the sweetest little thing though.  She is always so smiling and having fun.  As long as she's feed and had a little nap she's really good.  Well unless she's being naughty-haha!
The little monkey has 4 teeth now, two on bottom and 2 on top!  Reese is wearing size 9months in clothes, a 3 in diapers, and a 3 in shoes (we know because she got her 1st pair of Stride Rites yesterday!).  She still LOVES all her food and snacks :)
She ways 19.5lbs and is 28.9 inches long.
Reese is just so fun!  We all 3 just love her to pieces!!!!
Pulling up in the bath!
Bubba's biggest fans!

Pulling up!
Cruising on the furniture!
4 little monkey teeth!

Thanks Gigi for my new shoes!
Silly girl!