Reese Marie you are 11 months old!!!!
I'm guessing you weigh around 23lbs. (We don't go to the doctor again until 12months).
You wear 12 month clothes, but are quickly growing out of those.
You wear a size 3 diaper.
You like to wake up bright and early-usually around 5am or 6am.
You take 2 naps. A short one in the morning and a long afternoon nap.

You are a good eater...If it's something you like. Green beans and grilled cheese are your favorite!
You are loving real milk! And you LOVE all kinds of fruit!
You crawl fast and cruise around the furniture.
You can stand alone for a few seconds. I'm not sure when you are going to start walking.
You love to get in to EVERYTHING!!!!
You just started clapping you hands.
You love when Ben sings If Your Happy And You Know It!
You love your pink purse and like to put it on your shoulder-ha!
You are ornery :) But oh so sweet!!! You smile at everyone!
I can't believe I am planning your 1st Birthday! Time flies when we're having fun!