Four years ago today I was in labor with Benjamin Russell. With everyone at the hospital waiting and waiting... He finally made his arrival at 11:49pm on September 15th! He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen!!!

Oh my! Oh look at this one!
(That sweet little knit hat was made by one of the ladies at the hospital. She makes them for all the babies.)
Oh and this one!
I started looking through all the pictures we have of Ben. I can't believe how fast he has grown. I remember bringing him home then BAM! he started eating solid foods, crawling, walking, and talking.
He had his 1st Birthday.
Then his 2nd Birthday.
Then his 3rd Birthday.
We had his 4th Birthday party on Sunday. All of the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins came. Plus this year Ben invited 3 friends. It was supposed to be outside but apparently Mother Nature wasn't informed of my plan. So EVERYONE was inside! It was of course a Monster Truck Party!

The week leading up to the party I sat in my bedroom at night and made him this:
OH man and we had a Monster Truck Pinata!
I think it was a success!
This morning when Ben got up I said "Happy Birthday Rubbie!" He asked "Am I four yet?"
I let him know that he was officially four. Then he said "Are you positive?" I let him know that yes I was positive. Hello I was there for the whole thing!!! It's been the most exciting and hilarious four years of my life!