Ben is really into "science". He likes watching "Sid The Science Kid" videos, The Discovery Channel, the show "How Things Work". He definitely gets this from Matt!!! For the record Ben thinks science is only mixing different things together to see what happens. Matt has tried to explain to him that there is all kinds of science, he isn't having it. I find the weirdest things in my freezer-he really likes to freeze things :)
So Matt told him they could make their own volcanos, which Ben is really into also. So he started bugging me at 7am this morning about getting everything to make a volcano!

the ingredients

the volcano

the eruption!!!!
Then things got a little out of control! Matt & Ben used 2 bottles of vinegar, a whole big box of baking soda, & a bottle of red food coloring.

Thank goodness Ben has Matt!!! :)