Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baseballs & Bikes

Friday night we went to the Drillers game with Ben's baseball team. The Tigers had to wear their uniforms because they were going to to get to go out on the field with the Drillers player's!
All of the boys were so excited!!!

They all got lined up and walked out on the field.

Then the announcer announced the team to the crowd and the camera man went down the row. Each boy got to see their selves on the big screen!

Hornsby came on the field riding a 4wheeler... then he peeled out in front of the boys!

Each boy got to go with a Drillers player to a base and stand to do the National Anthem. I didn't get any pictures because the little guys looked like ants on that big field! It was the cutest thing... all of those little boys with their hats off, standing, doing the National Anthem!

Of course you have to get ice cream in a baseball helmet hehehe!

Saturday my Mom and Dad came to Ben's baseball game and had a big surprise for him!

Ben really likes his bike! It's a Hotwheels bike and has this cool thing on the handle!

When you twist the handle it sounds like an engine revving!

And he' off!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Fun!

What a wonderful Easter! The weather all weekend was beautiful! All of the family time was so fun!

Friday we dyed Easter eggs. Ben decorated one egg, Matt decorated two eggs, and then they were done... BOYS! I dyed and decorated the rest all by myself :)

Can't you just feel the excitement!

Saturday we had Easter at Papa and Grandma Beth's. They had Easter baskets for the kids, a scavenger hunt for a prize, and an egg hunt! Ben and Landon had so much fun!

Easter morning Ben woke up to see that the Easter Bunny came!

We went to church as a family, which was wonderful! Then we just hung out at home all day. We usually spend Easter Sunday with my parents but this year we didn't get to :( My Mom had her gallbladder removed Thursday night and was still recovering. I missed going, but I loved being with my boys all day!