Today Reese is 5 days old and she's weighing in at 5lbs 9ozs! She's doing so good and her lungs are getting stronger and stronger! Her feedings are up, and she's off all the IV's.
They put her under the "bili light" because she's a little jaundice... That will go away with in 2-3 days.
a little tanning-heehee
Christy took me up to the hospital so I could hold Reese at her 12pm feeding. She was really alert today and enjoyed hearing us talk :) And her Aunt Christy enjoyed seeing her.
me and my sweet baby girl!
baby milk coma :)
Matt took Ben to a birthday party this morning, so he came up for Reese's 3pm feeding. He finally got to hold his baby girl!
Could there be anything sweeter?!?!
Awww... What a sweetie-pie! I can't wait to meet Reese! Glad to hear she is doing so well and getting stronger! Thanks for the update, I love all the great pics! XOXOXO