Our sweet Reese is getting so big. She has changed so much in the last couple of weeks. Here is a couple pictures from this week.
p.s. I'll have some pictures of big brother soon! He has a soccer game Saturday so I'll be taking some then. Getting a 6 year old to let you take his picture=IMPOSSIBLE!

"I Feel A Hissy Coming On" My mom bought this for Reese. Apparently Gigi thinks that Reese is going to act like her Momma-ha!

I had to take a couple of pictures of Reese sleeping. Look at her little feet! Sweetest thing ever!!!

We are going to have to hide those cheekies from Aunt Christy-heehee!

LOVE this sweet little face! Reese is starting to look more like me. I have a picture of me and it looks just like this one.