Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away!

It has been raining for what seems like FOREVER! It's also Fall Break at Ben's schools this week. So today we spent an hour at Sam's Wholesale and almost 2 hours at Walmart. We looked at EVERYTHING there! Seriously, EVERY toy was looked at and discussed. So my goal tonight is to come up with some fun projects for Ben to do this week. Things we can do inside since it won't STOP raining.

This afternoon I let Ben make Dipped Pretzel Sticks. They are EASY and YUM YUM!

Ben gets so excited to decorate! His decorating tip: SPRINKLES, SPRINKLES, SPRINKLES! Then after decorating the second one he's done and ready to eat his creations. Which left me to decorate them all by myself. But he did sit at the table and boss me around while I finished them.

Can you tell which ones I decorated and the ones Ben did?

"Mommy STOP takin' my picture!"