I've been trying to get a video of him "drumming" some Blink182 songs but haven't been able to catch him. So as soon as I get the video I will post it.
Annnnyway. I was in his room last night and looked over at the drum set and this is what has happened to the drum set and MY WALL! This boy is serious about his drummin'! I've gotta find someone that does drum lessons!

The whole setup.

The wall behind the drumset! There's drywall shavings/dust all over the drums.

Dented and broken cymbal.

Banged up tom tom.

Poor lil' snare drum :(

If you look you can see the dent right in the middle of the bass drum.

The sticks have broke and been taped back together... then broke again. (Don't worry for Ben's Birthday I found some TRAVIS BARKER drum sticks!!)