Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Dear Matt,
Happy Father's Day to a wonderful Husband and Daddy! Thank you for the following:

* Taking care of Ben while I go workout, play Bunco, or go shopping... and not calling it babysitting.
* Giving Ben baths.
* Playing Legos with Ben...EVERYDAY ;-)
* Knowing Ben's favorite foods, bedtime routines, and other quirks.
* Speaking of Ben with pride.
* Missing Ben and I while you are at work (at least just a little bit).
* Putting up pictures of Ben in your cubicle at work.
* Asking about Ben's friends, teachers, and what he has done during the day.
* Swimming and catching Ben over, and over again in the pool.
* Working very hard so that I can stay home with our son!!!!

And the many, many other things you do for us!
I love you very much,

Here is what Ben made Matt for Father's Day:

Front of the mug

Back of the mug
Handmade card

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the mug and card Ben made! So cute!! And what a sweet post about Matt!! :)
