Last Monday at around midnight it started sleeting and mixed with that was a little something the meteorologist called THUNDER SLEET! (it scared me to pieces-haha) After the sleet came the snow, snow, snow, and more snow! It was a blizzard, literally! And when it was all over we had around 15 inches of snow here in town.
Tuesday the wind and snow was so cold that it was impossible to play in. We all three just hibernated inside. Wednesday Matt started clearing out the driveway. He was determined to not be stuck inside anymore! Ben got out for a little while and played in all the snow. We did get out that afternoon and made it to the store for a few things.
We found out Sunday that Ben's school was going to be open YAY! He was so excited he went to bed at 730pm (his choice) and got up this morning ready to go! Bad thing is Tuesday night we are expected to get 5-8 more inches-booo!! I'm sure we'll be out of school Wednesday and Thursday if we get that much snow. I am more then ready for SPRING!!!! Hope everyone stayed warm and safe during all of this crazy snow.
Here is some pictures of the snow on Wednesday:

so happy to be out of the house!

one of our snow drifts

the start of Matt's 3 day driveway clearing! the only tools he has was a regular garden shovel and a broom-all the stores were out of snow shovels!

the snow is past his knees!

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