Matt and I decided we didn't want to wait until April 8th (my next Dr's appointment) to find out what our little miracle was. So we made an appointment at Miracle In The Womb for an ultrasound :)
Matt, Ben, and I got in the ultrasound room and waited to hear if it was boy or girl. The ultrasound tech started and like 2 seconds later said "I'm pretty sure I already know what it is but let me get a better view." and then she said "It's a GIRL!". AAAHHHH A GIRL!!!! I was so excited and a little shocked since I thought it was a boy. I of course started crying-haha.
The tech spent about 10 minutes showing us our baby girl. We got to see her moving all around... including trying to suck her thumb... oh no another thumb sucker ;) She was very active and gave us quit a show. The tech said "She's very proud to be a girl! She keeps showing me her girl parts." We are all so excited!!! Now we just have to wait until August to meet her... it's going to be a long summer!
yay Ashley! So exciting!!!! :)