Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Pickin'

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch last night. Ben enjoyed it, Reese just slept most of the time :)

hay maze!

My little pumpkins!

found a biggin'!

ready to carve!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Field Trip Fun

Friday Ben's class went to the Pumpkin Patch. The kids had a blast... but they always have a blast together!
Ben & his buddy!

feeding the goats

lots of pumpkin fun!


pumpkin picking

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What The Boys Did

Ben and Daddy decorated for Halloween. They made the outside S-P-OOKKKY!

Not done yet....
Ben added rats...eeewwww!
all done!
I put a little in the house... I wanted to just keep it "fall" but Ben wanted some Halloween decorations inside.
Here is some of my Fall decor... oh and one of my "stories" on the T.V.-haha!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2 Trips To The Fair

It's time for the fair! Corn dogs, funnel cakes, nachos, and LOTS of people!

Thursday we went to the fair with Ben's class. They have the Just For Kids Adventure building. It had educational stations and some other fun things for the kids to do... like a GIANT sand box! We had lunch there and also went to the petting zoo, and then watched the dog show. The kids had a great time!

me & my babies
lots and lots of sandy feet!
where does the milk come from?
balloon swords!
running off some energy :)
the petting zoo!
sweet sleepy girl :)

On Friday we meet Marc, Christy, & the kids out at the fair for some more fun!

looking for Landon :)



games! (lots of $ was spent trying to win a stuffed Angry Bird!)
more sandy toes :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

2 Months

Reese is 2 months old today. TWO MONTHS!!! REALLY?!?! I can't believe how big she's getting... and it's happening too fast.
Things Reese is doing now:
*she smiles now :)
*she likes playing on her activity mat
*she sleeps well at night and usually naps well
*eats a 4 ounce bottle every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night

Reese weighs 10lb 5oz and is 22 inches long. The doctor says she's perfect... but we already new that-haha!
She had to get shots today. It was horrible. She has slept all afternoon and night. She only woke up to eat. Her little legs are really sore so we gave her some acetaminophen.
I tried to get a 2 month picture of her but this is the best she could do tonight. So pitiful! My friend, Leanne, got me these little stickers to put on onesies that say how old Reese is. Since Reese didn't feel good I didn't want to change her into a onesie, so I just put the sticker on her crib bumper. Maybe next month I can get her all fixed up for her picture :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Name Changer

I may have to change the name of my blog to "Constant Chaos". Saturday I realized that no matter how early I get up, or how much I prepare in advance, for the next 18 years (maybe longer) I will always be rushing out the door to get some where! Being "Control Freak Mommy" is a distant memory :( Thank goodness I have a good man in my corner! I don't know what I would do with out Matt to help me. Time to let go and relax a little. Not everything has to be perfect... right? ;)

Saturday afternoon Ben had a soccer game. Their team won 8-3 and Ben got 3 goals (he says 4-ha!).

-warming up with Daddy-


Landon came to watch Ben play :)

Sissy slept but she was cheering on the inside-hee hee

Matt laid Reese on her little activity mat to play. There is a little mirror that hangs down and Sissy found herself :) She was talking and smiling. So sweet!!