Thursday, August 15, 2013

2nd Grade!!!!

Ben started 2nd grade!!!  I can't believe my baby boy is in 2nd grade.  It seems like yesterday that I took him to his first day of PreK.  Now it's 4 years later and he's sitting at a desk, bringing home homework, and wanting to be dropped off in the drop off line at school.
Ben is such a wonderful kid!  He's a good boy, well behaved, smart, and loving.  We are so proud of him!!!
Reese and I have been missing him during the day.  Reese was sad Ben's first day of school, and was SUPER excited to go pick Bubbie up from school!!!  I think picking up Ben from school is going to be her favorite part of the day!
I can't wait to see all the things Ben learns this year.  He is blessed with another wonderful teacher this year and I'm sure she has some great things planned for the class this year!

Love these 2 babies!

Ben and his best bud, Cameron!

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