Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daddy's Helper

The wind has been blowing around 20-30 mph for the last week! All this wind is reeking havoc on everyones allergies, my tree that I have in an urn by the garage, and apparently our backyard fence.
Ben came running in saying "Mommy, you have to get my old shoes!" I asked him why. He said "I have to go fix the fence in the backyard for Daddy!"
I looked outside and one of the boards had fallen and our dog and the neighbors dog were just talking to each other through it. Ben put the board back up and propped a piece of wood against it. That didn't hold it. So after dinner he got out his work gloves and hammer...oh and a step stool!

1 comment:

  1. What a great little handyman you have there...and he's handsome too.
